About Us


At the point where the building decoration trend has reached today, the spread of good and evil, elegant and ugly, right and wrong together has become an inevitable necessity. Our company, established by seeing the necessity of a new breakthrough in this environment, has always adopted the principle of providing the best and right solution at the most reasonable prices. By utilizing the legacy of more than 60 years of experience in the sector, our desire to shape the needs of the era with the lines of the past makes us constantly producing, constantly developing and constantly pursuing innovations.


I graduated from Kabataş High School in 1989 and Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Relations in 1996. After working in different sectors for a few years, I decided that the job that one could be most successful for was his favorite job and I entered the construction sector. Thanks to my father, Abdullah Öztürk, who was a real craftsman and a unique artisan in the 1950s, I have known the profession and the sector since my childhood.

we have made many improvements that we think they are too serious to solve problems in both  production and applications. They are thank to our experience gained in the progression of polyurethane in Turkey.

In order not to get stuck at the point where we are, we continue to provide gains to the sector by developing internationally both by following international scientific studies and by receiving support from polymer chemistry experts.

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